Agenda item

Performance Report : 1 January 2020 - 30 June 2020

This report is presented quarterly to the Planning Committee informing Members on current planning performance and the Local Plan.




The Committee received a report setting out performance for the period 1 January – 30 June 2020.


The Head of Planning informed the Committee that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there had been a slight decrease in the number of planning applications received through this reporting period but his Team had received many compliments from both applicants and developers for the fact that the Council was continuing to provide pre application advice and determining planning applications despite changes to working arrangements.


Whilst there had been a decrease in the number of major planning applications received, officers were continuing to work with developers to keep existing development sites operational and to provide pre application advice so that developers could be ready to submit planning applications as soon as practicable.


The Head of Planning informed the Committee that although there was external pressure for the construction and building industry to continue as a means of easing the current economic crisis due to COVID-19, he provided an assurance that only quality developments would be acceptable.


The Committee was also informed that the Rochester Riverside development had recently been awarded 2 Housing Design Awards.In receiving the awards, the developers, Countryside Developments, had acknowledged its partnership with both the agent and Medway Council as landowner.


In response to a question as to whether there had been lessons learnt from new ways of working introduced as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Head of Planning informed the Committee that the use of MS Teams for meetings with developers had meant that officers were able to hold virtual meetings with developers across the country without the need for travel. In addition, applicants and agents were able to watch live streamed meetings of this Committee without the need to attend meetings.


In response to a question as to whether the COVID-19 pandemic had resulted in a delay to the Local Plan process, the Head of Planning advised that a report would be submitted to Cabinet in August 2020 with an updated timetable but he confirmed that the process had not been impacted by the pandemic as although officers had not been able to attend meetings in person, remote meetings had taken place with Parish Councils and Residents Groups.


He referred to the impending White Paper on Planning reforms and advised that once received he would undertake a presentation to Members on the potential impact for Medway.


A report on the Housing Delivery Action Plan, was also due to be submitted to Cabinet in August 2020 and it was intended that this would also be included on the agenda for the August meeting of this Committee.




The Committee:


a)            noted the report and the updates and responses to questions by the Head of Planning.

b)            expressed appreciation to the staff for continuing to deliver services under new working arrangements due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

c)            congratulated all staff involved in the Rochester Riverside development for the recent success in winning awards for this high quality development.

Supporting documents: