Agenda item

Planning application - MC/15/0098 - Street Farm, Stoke Road, Hoo St Werburgh, Rochester ME3 9BH



Outline application with all matters reserved for redevelopment of former farm site to provide a residential development of up to 50 dwellings (Use Class C3), open space, infrastructure, landscaping and associated works.


This application has supporting exempt appendices.




The Head of Planning outlined the planning application and reminded the Committee that consideration of this application had been deferred on 6 April 2016 for a further report on the Section 106 agreement and the viability assessments.


He advised that when circulating the committee agenda, copies of the relevant viability assessments had been circulated for consideration by the Committee. He explained that although these had been produced as exempt documents on the basis that they contained information relating to the financial and business affairs of a particular company, the issue of viability assessments had recently been considered by the Kent Planning Officers Group and it had been decided that as viability assessments formed a material consideration in the determination of planning applications, such documents should be considered in open committee.


The Head of Planning advised the Committee that the solicitor acting on behalf of the applicant had submitted a letter attaching Counsel’s advice that they had received expressing concern over continued delay in determination of the planning application.


In addition, he advised that an updated viability report from the Council’s Independent Viability Assessor was attached to the supplementary agenda advice sheet.


Martin Aust, Independent Financial Consultant, advised the Committee of his findings on the financial viability assessments for this proposed development.


The Committee discussed the report and expressed concern as to the limited level of Section 106 agreements which would be achieved from the development of this site and it was suggested that the Head of Planning give further consideration, in consultation with Planning Spokespersons, to the possibility of lobbying MPs and the Government on the current position regarding developments and the situation regarding viability assessments particularly where such land was in long term ownership.




Approved subject to:


A)   The applicants entering into agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act to secure:


i)          The provision of five affordable rent and two shared ownership homes;

ii)         A financial contribution of £375,234.14 in total to be provisionally split in the following ways;

·          £23,122.14 towards off site provision of Outdoor Open Space at Four Wents Road Play area and Open space and Pottery Road Recreation Ground;

·          £45,760 towards Nursery Provision - £8,320 per pupil .

·          £112,320 towards Primary Education - £8,320 per pupil place (assuming accommodation within existing schools) or £11,700 (where accommodation will be provided in a new school);

·          £143,520 towards Secondary Education (including sixth form) - £11,960 per pupil place (assuming accommodation within existing schools);

·          £23.397.50 towards Healthcare – Improvements to local GP Surgeries based on £191 per person;

·          £6, 835.50 towards Community Facilities – £55.80 per person;

·          £9,100 towards Transport for accessibility improvements in the vicinity, including safer routes to school initiatives, public right of way improvements and footway improvements along Stoke Road;

·          £11,179 towards Habitats Regulations (Mitigation against Wintering Birds) £223.58 per unit.


iii)           Insertion of an overage clause so any profit over 20% is shared 50:50 with Local Planning Authority to be spent on local services impacted by the development


B)   Conditions 1 – 27 as set out in the report for the reasons stated in the report.

Supporting documents: