Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - Tuesday, 13 June 2023 7.00pm

Venue: Meeting Room 9 - Level 3, Gun Wharf, Dock Road, Chatham ME4 4TR. View directions

Contact: Jon Pitt, Democratic Services Officer/Teri Reynolds, Democratic Services Officer 

No. Item


Apologies for absence


An apology for absence was received from Councillor Price. 


Leader's Announcement


The Leader said that his thoughts were with those who had been affected by the incidents that had taken place in Nottingham earlier in the day. He also thanked Council officers for all the support provided to the new administration since the May local elections.


Record of decisions pdf icon PDF 385 KB


It was noted that following the local elections, which had taken place on 4 May 2023, a new administration had been formed and it had been decided that the GP Access Task Group report, which had been presented to the Cabinet at its meeting on 4 April 2023 would be resubmitted to the Cabinet for consideration of the recommendations.


The record of the decisions from the Cabinet meeting held on 4 April 2023 was agreed by the Cabinet and signed by the Leader as correct.


Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and Other Significant Interests pdf icon PDF 371 KB


Disclosable pecuniary interests


There were none.


Other significant interests (OSIs)


There were none.


Other interests


There were none.


GP Access Task Group pdf icon PDF 178 KB

Additional documents:



This report asked the Cabinet to reconsider the GP Access Task Group report, which included 14 recommendations aimed at improving the workforce capacity across primary care in Medway to ensure patients would receive better access and outcomes for their health needs.


The report had initially been submitted to the Health and Adult Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 12 January 2023. The Committee had decided not to submit the report to Cabinet and that the report and its interim recommendations would be revisited in summer 2023 when the work can be completed with more GP engagement.


At its next meeting on 9 March, following a Member’s item, five members of the Committee gave support for a minority view on the basis that they did not agree with the view that the report’s findings were insufficient. The Cabinet, was therefore, asked to consider the report at its meeting on 4 April 2023.


On 4 April, the Cabinet considered the report, which set out the minority view. At that meeting the Cabinet noted the report and agreed that the Task Group report and its draft recommendations be revisited in Summer 2023 to enable completion of the work, including further engagement with GPs and that the completed Task Group report be presented to a future Cabinet meeting.


It was noted that following the local elections, which had taken place on 4 May 2023, a new administration had been formed and it had been decided that the GP Access Task Group report, which had been presented to the Cabinet at its meeting on 4 April 2023 would be resubmitted to the Cabinet for consideration of the recommendations.


The GP Access Task Group interim report was attached at Appendix 1 to the report. A Diversity Impact Assessment had been undertaken in relation to the 14 recommendations made by the Task Group. This was attached at Appendix 2 to the report.


The Deputy Leader thanked all staff and those in the health community who had supported and informed the Task Group for their commitment to a diligent and thorough piece of work undertaken at a time when Primary Care had been very challenged by patient demand and workforce recruitment.







The Cabinet agreed that the Kent and Medway Integrated Care Board be requested to offer appropriate training and support to practice staff, in particular reception staff to enable them to signpost and support patients without digital access or with low digital literacy to enable them to book GP and other primary care appointments.


Recognising that Medway residents need to be supported towards improving their digital literacy skills, thereby enabling more people to access the right advice and/or services across the whole system to suit their health and care needs, Cabinet agreed:


  • That the Council review and revive the digital inclusion programme.

·      That the Council (in partnership with K&M ICB) raise awareness of Medway Council’s digital literacy courses across the health and social care networks so that patients can be  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Referral from Business Support Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Housing Infrastructure Fund pdf icon PDF 203 KB



This report set out a referral to the Cabinet from the Business Support Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting held on 30 March 2023. This related to the Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF), in light of the decision to pause the rail element of the HIF scheme and concerns over the related Grampian agreement in place for the housing developments. The report set out responses in relation to information about the progression of the HIF work that had been requested by the Committee.


It was noted that in May 2023, the Council had been informed by Homes England that it was recommending that funding for Medway’s HIF, which had been granted to support the Future Hoo project, be withdrawn from the national HIF programme. This was despite reassurance provided that the project would be delivered. A letter had been received on 9 June 2023 confirming the Homes England recommendation, with a final decision due to be made by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities. Should the funding be withdrawn, this would be a loss of £170million and would seriously compromise the Council’s ability to deliver a sustainable community for the Hoo Peninsula, wider north Kent marshes and the delivery of the Local Plan.


It was referenced during discussion that the Council had not previously been able to deliver a Local Plan and that this was considered likely to have influenced the Homes England recommendation. 


All efforts would be made to persuade Homes England and the Department not to withdraw the funding. The Leader of the Council had written to the Minister responsible for HIF in the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to request an urgent meeting.







The Cabinet noted the officer responses to the requests made to officers by the Business Support Overview and Scrutiny Committee, as set out in paragraphs 3.2 to 3.4 of the report.


Noting the officer comments set out at paragraphs 3.1 to 3.6.2 of the report, the Cabinet agreed the following requests as made by the Business Support Overview and Scrutiny Committee:


i)    A commitment to revisiting the consultation process if changes are proposed.

ii)  Provision of a refreshed governance structure for the project going forward to include the relevant community groups such as councillors, parish councillors and other community groups.




The Business Support Overview and Scrutiny Committee has made this recommendation to Cabinet in accordance with its entitlement, under the Council’s Constitution, to make recommendations to Cabinet arising from the outcome of the scrutiny process (Constitution – Articles of the Constitution - Chapter 2, Article 6, Paragraph 6.4). Cabinet is, therefore, was required to consider its response.


Revenue and Capital Budget Outturn and Annual Write Off Report 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 364 KB




This report provided details of the final revenue and capital outturn position for the financial year ended 31 March 2023. These figures would form part of the Council’s Statement of Accounts, which would be presented to the Audit Committee following the completion of the External Audit.


The report advised that at its meeting on 24 February 2022, the Council had set a total budget requirement of £351.982million for 2022/23. Since the budget had been approved, additional grant funding had been received, primarily related to Council Tax Support for Energy Bills, taking the final revenue outturn budget requirement to a total of £386.353million.


The Capital Programme for 2022/23 and beyond had also been agreed by Council on 24 February 2022, at £430.712million. Additions and removals made during the year had resulted in a final capital outturn budget of £476.257million.


The report also presented a summary of debts written off during the 2022/23 financial year in line with the constitutional requirement to submit a report to Cabinet on an annual basis setting out details of all debt written off.


It was noted that the report set out the outturn of the budget and spending of the previous Council administration rather than the current administration which had been formed following the local elections held on 4 May 2023.








The Cabinet noted the 2022/23 revenue and capital outturn position.


The Cabinet recommended to Full Council the addition of a total of £40,000 to the Wayfield Primary scheme, to be funded from the Basic Needs Grant 2023/24, noting that Cabinet had recommended to Council an addition of £25,000 at its meeting on 7 February 2023, which would form part of this £40,000 approval.




Cabinet is the body charged with the executive management of the Council’s budget and it is therefore important for the final outturn to be reported to Cabinet.


Council Plan Performance Monitoring Report and Strategic Risk Summary - Quarter 4 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 451 KB

Additional documents:




This report provided details of how the Council had performed during quarter 4 in 2022/23 against the Council’s three priorities and the actions being taken to improve performance. The report also presented the quarter 4 review of strategic risks. Two new risks were proposed to be added to the Strategic Risk Register, MedPay Review; and Recruitment and Retention. One risk was proposed to be removed from the Strategic Risk Register, SR49 Income Reduction due to Covid-19.


There were 51 Council Plan measures for 2022/23, of which it was possible to report on 49 as the data for one measure was not available this quarter and one measure was data only. In summary, 28 out of the 49 measures reported on met or exceeded target, four were slightly below target and 17 were significantly below target.


The report was due to be considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Committees during June and July 2023.








The Cabinet noted the Quarter 4 2022/23 performance against the measures used to monitor progress against the Council’s priorities.


The Cabinet agreed the Strategic Risk Summary set out at Appendix 4 to the report.





Regular monitoring of performance and risks by management and Members is best practice and ensures achievement of corporate objectives.


Kyndi Performance Report pdf icon PDF 119 KB

Additional documents:




This report provided the Cabinet with a review of Kyndi’s performance, for Quarters 2 to 4 of the financial year 2022-23. It was accompanied by an update on the company’s achievements and financial performance prepared by the Chief Executive at Kyndi.


The report highlighted that, subject to final accounts, Kyndi’s year-end forecast for 2022-2023 was Revenue of £2,537,000 and Net Profit of £170,000.


It was noted that there was an ongoing criminal investigation in relation to Kyndi and that outcomes would be reported to the Audit Committee and to the Business Support Overview and Scrutiny Committee at the appropriate time.







The Cabinet noted the progress update on Kyndi’s trading performance from July 2022 (Quarter Two) to March 2023 (Quarter Four) for financial year 2022- 2023.



When Cabinet agreed to establish Kyndi (previously MCG) it was also agreed that regular monitoring reports would be provided to Cabinet.


Gateway 1 Procurement Commencement: Health Visiting and School Nursing Service pdf icon PDF 221 KB




This report requested the Cabinet’s agreement to commence the procurement of the Medway Health Visiting and School Nursing (0-19) contract. 


The report had previously been considered by the Procurement Board. It was proposed to undertake an open market procurement using an invitation to tender process. This would enable the market to be tested and a service specification informed by the interested providers to be drafted.








The Cabinet approved the procurement commencement of the Health Visiting and School nursing service as per the preferred option identified in paragraphs 4.2.5 and 4.3.1 of the report.




A competitive dialogue process will enable Public Health and Category Management to identify risks within the procurement at the earliest opportunity. It will engage with providers who will be expected to design the service for, or less than the maximum budget value. The dialogue will mean that providers are involved in the process, and it is likely to reduce the destabilising the re-procurement will bring.

The competitive dialogue is likely to maximise value and impact for money. This is because providers will know what is achievable and where priority should be placed.


Gateway 3 Contract Award: Intermediate Care and Reablement Service pdf icon PDF 284 KB




This report requested that the Cabinet approve the award of a contract for the Intermediate Care and Reablement Service, following a procurement process.


The report had previously been considered by the Procurement Board. The report explained that Procurement Board had supported the award of Lot 1 to the bidder who had been evaluated as the most economically advantageous against the Council’s award criteria. The Council had received no compliant bids for Lot 2 and therefore could not proceed to award a contract for this Lot.


An Exempt Appendix set out key information in respect of financial analysis, the tender process and evaluation and made a recommendation to award a contract for Lot 1.


The Council’s decision to award these contracts would be subject to observing the procurement standstill period of a minimum of 10 days in accordance with the requirements of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. The Council would be unable to conclude the framework agreement before the end of the standstill period.








The Cabinet agreed to award the contract for Lot 1 to Medway Community Healthcare as they had been evaluated as the most economically advantageous against the Council’s award criteria as per the evaluation spreadsheet contained within 3.1 of the Exempt Appendix.


The Cabinet agreed not to award Lot 2 to the sole bidder as they had not been evaluated as economically advantageous against the Council’s award criteria as per the evaluation spreadsheet contained within 3.1 of the Exempt Appendix.


In relation to Lot 2, the Cabinet agreed to instruct officers to progress discussions, as detailed in paragraph of the report, with the winning bidder of Lot 1 (Medway Community Healthcare).


Subject to the varied award of Lot 2 therapy being viable, the Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to the Director of Public Health, in consultation with the Monitoring Officer and the Deputy Leader of the Council to award the services contained within Lot 2 to the winning bidder of Lot 1 (Medway Community Healthcare) as a variation to the awarded contract.


Subject to conversation pursuant to decision number 84/2023 not being viable, the Cabinet approved Option 2 for Lot 2, as detailed in paragraph of the report.




The provision of intermediate care and reablement is a statutory obligation which Medway Council must comply with as set out in The Care Act 2014 (Section 2); the Care and Support (Preventing Needs for Care and Support) Regulations 2014 and the Care and Support (Charging and Assessment of Resources) Regulations 2014 Section 3(3).


Ensuring the provision of a high quality commissioned Intermediate Care and Reablement Service (ICRS) aligns with central government guidance and local partnership priorities.