Issue - meetings

Planning application - MC/16/0540 - 538 Bloors Farm, 538 - 540 Lower Rainham Road, Rainham, Gillingham ME8 7TW

Meeting: 27/07/2016 - Planning Committee (Item 183)

183 Planning application - MC/16/0540 - 538 Bloors Farm, 538 - 540 Lower Rainham Road, Rainham, Gillingham ME8 7TW pdf icon PDF 77 KB

Rainham North


Retrospective application for construction of a agricultural storage barn with associated toilets, produce store and educational class room.

Additional documents:




The Senior Planner outlined the planning application and advised the Committee that consideration of this application had been deferred on 1 June 2016 pending further information as to the use of the building in conjunction with the Kent Wildlife Trust.


He drew attention to a section of the report setting out a response from the Kent Wildlife Trust.


In the light of the information from the Trust, he suggested that if the Committee was minded to approve the application, proposed condition 3 be amended as set out on the supplementary agenda advice sheet.




Approved with conditions 1- 2 and 4 - 5 as set out in the report for the reasons stated in the report and condition 3 amended as follows:


3.        The storage use of the building herein approved shall only be for the storage of farm machinery and produce by Rainham Community Orchard Volunteers or such other community group to be approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority; the community and educational use shall only operate ancillary to the agricultural use of the farm by Rainham Community Orchard Volunteers and shall not be used for any other purposes.


Reason: In the interests of amenity and the integrity of the countryside and areas of local landscape importance in accordance with Policy BNE25 and BNE34 of the Medway Local Plan 2003.