Issue - meetings

Planning application - MC/16/2281 - Buttercrock Wharf (Saga Fashions), Vicarage Lane, Hoo St Werburgh, Rochester ME3 9LQ

Meeting: 27/07/2016 - Planning Committee (Item 189)

189 Planning application - MC/16/2281 - Buttercrock Wharf (Saga Fashions), Vicarage Lane, Hoo St Werburgh, Rochester ME3 9LQ pdf icon PDF 166 KB



Variation of conditions of planning application MC/15/3106 (construction of employment building (Class B1) and associated development including access, car parking, hardsurfacing, boundary treatment, drainage and landscaping):


2(d)(resurfacing of car park and drainage works);

2(h)(landscaping); and

11 (implementation of the landscaping)

Additional documents:




The Head of Planning outlined the planning application in detail.




Approved with conditions 1 – 11 as set out in the report for the reasons stated in the report.