Issue - meetings

Planning application - MC/16/2045 - Aquarius, 8 Watson Avenue, Horsted, Chatham Me5 9SH

Meeting: 27/07/2016 - Planning Committee (Item 182)

182 Planning application - MC/16/2045 - Aquarius, 8 Watson Avenue, Horsted, Chatham ME5 9SH pdf icon PDF 157 KB

Rochester South and Horsted


Construction of a single storey side extension and construction of an additional storey to create a first floor for use as a care suite together with roof alterations and installation of an external staircase - Resubmission MC/15/2072.

Additional documents:




The Senior Planner outlined the planning application in detail.


The Committee discussed the application and expressed concern as to the proposed scale  and massing of the development, the overdevelopment of the site, the lack of amenities for existing and prospective new residents of the care home and the impact that the development would have upon on street parking in the vicinity of the care home with a potential increase in visitor numbers.




Refused on the following grounds:


1.    The proposal, due to its scale, and mass and prominent location would represent a dominant form of development and an overdevelopment of the site contrary to Policy BNE1 of the Medway Local Plan 2003 and Paragraphs 58 and 64 of the NPPF.


2.    The proposal fails to private adequate amenity space for the occupiers of the proposed development and as such would be contrary to Policy BNE2 of the Medway Local Plan 2003.


3.    The proposed extension is likely to result in an increase in parking pressure and potentially indiscriminate parking on the surrounding residential roads contrary to Policy BNE2 of the Medway Local Plan 2003.