Issue - meetings


Meeting: 27/07/2016 - Planning Committee (Item 190)

190 Performance Report - 1 April - 30 June 2016 pdf icon PDF 376 KB

This report is presented quarterly to committee informing Members on current Planning performance and the Local Plan.




The Head of Planning drew attention to changes to the layout of the planning application reports in that such reports now included information as to the case officer and a contact telephone number. This change had been introduced in response to feedback from Members.


He drew attention to resourcing issues within his Section and advised the Committee that in addition to two existing vacancies, four Officers had recently been recruited to posts outside of Medway which would leave a gap in the availability of resources until these posts could be filled.


With regard to enforcement issues, the Head of Planning outlined the results of a number of successful prosecutions through the courts. In noting that a number of prosecutions related to the erection of unauthorised notices/signage, a Member sought clarification as to the status of the Council’s notices and banners erected on railings throughout Medway. The Head of Planning agreed to investigate this and advise the Member direct of the outcome.


Members expressed their concern as to the loss of a number of staff within the Planning Section and the Head of Planning provided reassurance that this would not affect the timetable for the delivery of the Local Plan.


Members thanked the Head of Planning for the work undertaken by staff in the Planning Section and requested that he convey to all members of staff the high regard in which both they and, the work that they undertake, are held by the Committee.




a)            The Committee noted the report and the current situation regarding staff resources within the Planning Section.

b)            The Head of Planning circulate to all Members of the Committee a list of current planning officers and their contact telephone numbers with such list being updated and recirculated at such time that the vacant posts have been filled.