Agenda item

Youth Justice Plan (Policy Framework)

This report outlines the Medway Youth Justice Plan 2012-2014, which has been developed following discussions and consultations with partner agencies, and also reflects the requirements of the Youth Offending Team (YOT) Improvement Plan. 




The Youth Offending Team Manager introduced the report on the Youth Justice Plan, which he stated had been shared with partner agencies, and built on the success of the previous year.


He stated that the Management Board had set the targets for the service and all had been met bar one.  The team had been able to reduce reoffending by 35%.  He explained that there had been recent changes to the remand legislation in respect of young people which would mean an increase in the number of looked after young people known to the Youth Offending Team (YOT) as all remanded young people would gain Looked After Children (LAC) status.


He informed the Committee that the numbers of YOT clients in training or employment during one quarter of the year had been 100%, which was due to very effective partnership working.  This also accounted for good results in the numbers of YOT clients in suitable accommodation.


The Youth Offending Team Manager was congratulated on the work of the Youth Offending Team and particular reference was made to some alley clearing work undertaken in Watling ward and the positive support given to the young people involved by their Support Worker, which he undertook to feed back.


In response to a number of questions he commented as follows:


  • In response to a question relating to the employment figures set out on page 83 of the report the Youth Offending Team Manager undertook to report back with a more detailed explanation about the unemployment rates percentages.  He did confirm that the statement in the final paragraph was correct, that 81% of YOT clients over the school leaving age were at the end of their order in Education, Employment or Training.


  • With regards to page 95 of the report he stated that work was ongoing to encourage young people who have finished their community work to continue it on a voluntary basis.  This had achieved some success particularly around young people continuing to work in charity shops.


  • In relation to page 85 of the report he under took to report back to Councillor Mackness further details about the youth crime in River ward but stated that the high incidence of youth crime there may be connected with the proximity to the High Street.  He stated that he would raise the matter at the Community Safety Partnership initially to see if there were particular trends in relation to that area.


  • Reference was made to the excellent work being undertaken at Cookham Wood Young Offenders Institute and while the work was costly it was effective and he hoped it could be used as a model for other institutions in the country.


  • Emphasis was placed by Members of the Committee on officers making early contact with the Kent and Medway Police and Crime Commissioner to grow the share of finance received for work with young offenders in Medway based on the successes already achieved.  Members requested details to be shared with them of the amount of bid put forward and the final sum offered.  The Assistant Director, Inclusion and Improvement stated that there would be a meeting with the Police and Crime Commissioner in the following week but the final outcome may take some time to emerge.


  • Discussion took place about street restorative justice, which sought to deal with youth crime in a less prescriptive way.  Until the changes took place there was a definite sequence of caution, final warning then court action.  The new system allowed more flexibility about applying this, which meant fewer young people ended up in the court.  Members were keen that young people did not see this as an easy option.




(a)     The Committee congratulated the Young Offenders Team for the excellent results and recommended the report to Cabinet and Council;


(b)     Officers were requested to report back to the Committee by means of a briefing note on:

·        a more detailed explanation about the unemployment rates percentages on page 85 of the report;

·        further details of the youth crime figures relating to River ward once this had been discussed at the Community Safety Partnership to Councillor Mackness;

·        details of the amount of bid put forward to the Kent and Medway Police and Crime Commissioner and of the final sum offered.

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