Agenda item

Councillor Osborne, supported by Councillor Maple, proposed the following:

Medway Council notes

  • Kent Police budgets are being cut by £53m or 20% of its total budget leading to reductions of 500 front line officers and 1,000 support staff by 2015 
  • The failure of the private sector company G4S at the Olympic Games
  • That senior officers do not now need to attend PACTs or Community Police events as part of the Community Contract
  • Alcohol Control Zones have been rejected due to resource constraints in Medway
  • The Kent Police Commissioner election will cost the taxpayer £2m at a time of economic recession.

Medway Council believes

  • The continued reduction in levels of crime noted over the last 15 years are at real risk if cuts to PCSOs, Police officers and support staff continue at the current pace 
  • That communities are feeling increasingly isolated due to cuts in Police numbers
  • That the Police should be responsive to community demand for Dispersal and Alcohol Control Zones
  • That it is completely inappropriate for the Government's Chief Whip Andrew Mitchell to remain in post after allegedly calling Police 'plebs'
  • That Council officers, in recognising the spirit of the Localism Act, should be responsive to PACT and community initiatives to combat anti-social behaviour.

Medway Council resolves

  • To write to David Cameron to call on Andrew Mitchell to resign as Chief Whip
  • To be responsive to PACT and community-led initiatives to combat anti-social behaviour 
  • To oppose any privatisation of Police services
  • To endorse the position of the Police Federation on resources which would lead to no impacts on the front line.


Medway Council notes:


  • Kent Police budgets are being cut by £53m or 20% of its total budget leading to reductions of 500 front line officers and 1,000 support staff by 2015
  • The failure of the private sector company G4S at the Olympic Games
  • That senior officers do not now need to attend PACTs or Community Police events as part of the Community Contract
  • Alcohol Control Zones have been rejected due to resource constraints in Medway
  • The Kent Police Commissioner election will cost the taxpayer £2m at a time of economic recession.


Medway Council believes:


  • The continued reduction in levels of crime noted over the last 15 years are at real risk if cuts to PCSOs, Police officers and support staff continue at the current pace 
  • That communities are feeling increasingly isolated due to cuts in Police numbers
  • That the Police should be responsive to community demand for Dispersal and Alcohol Control Zones
  • That it is completely inappropriate for the Government's Chief Whip Andrew Mitchell to remain in post after allegedly calling Police 'plebs'
  • That Council officers, in recognising the spirit of the Localism Act, should be responsive to PACT and community initiatives to combat anti-social behaviour.


Medway Council resolves:


  • To write to David Cameron to call on Andrew Mitchell to resign as Chief Whip
  • To be responsive to PACT and community-led initiatives to combat anti-social behaviour 
  • To oppose any privatisation of Police services
  • To endorse the position of the Police Federation on resources which would lead to no impacts on the front line. 


Councillor O’Brien, Portfolio Holder for Community Safety and Customer Contact, supported by Councillor Chishti, proposed the following amendment:


Replace original motion with the following:


This Council congratulates both Medway's Community Officers and Kent Police in Medway in the proactive way that they have both supported the Police and Communities Together Committee (PACT) and School and Communities Together Committee (SACT) process throughout Medway.


This Council recognises the valued contribution that the 21 PACTs, the SACTs and the PACT Chairs’ Forum have made to the wellbeing of the residents of Medway.


This Council also acknowledges the significant reduction in crime and anti-social behaviour in Medway through the actions of all the partners of the Medway Community Partnership. This Council particularly acknowledges the role of Kent Police, who, despite the extra commitment of Olympic and Paralympic duties over the summer period have continued to work with Medway Council and other partners to ensure that Medway remains safe, clean and green, as previously reported to this Council.


On being put to the vote, the amendment was carried.


The substantive motion was put to the vote and was carried.




This Council congratulates both Medway's Community Officers and Kent Police in Medway in the proactive way that they have both supported the Police and Communities Together Committee (PACT) and School and Communities Together Committee (SACT) process throughout Medway.


This Council recognises the valued contribution that the 21 PACTs, the SACTs and the PACT Chairs’ Forum have made to the wellbeing of the residents of Medway.


This Council also acknowledges the significant reduction in crime and anti-social behaviour in Medway through the actions of all the partners of the Medway Community Partnership. This Council particularly acknowledges the role of Kent Police, who, despite the extra commitment of Olympic and Paralympic duties over the summer period have continued to work with Medway Council and other partners to ensure that Medway remains safe, clean and green, as previously reported to this Council.