Agenda item

Annual Scrutiny of Community Safety Partnership

Community Safety Partnerships (CSPs) are under a duty to produce a Community Safety Plan to formulate and implement a strategy to reduce crime and disorder, combat substance misuse, and reduce re-offending.


This report provides information on the operation of the CSP from October

2021, which summarises the findings of the strategic assessment. This report provides information on the Community Safety Plan covering the period from 2020 to 2024.



The Chairperson welcomed the partners of the Community Safety Partnership (CSP) to the meeting. 


The Committee discussed the following topics:


Residents concerns about drug related crime – Members recognised the identification of drug related crime by residents as a major concern. In response partners explained that there was a commitment to reduce drug crime with investment in the neighbourhood policing model and targeting drug use via the dedicated neighbourhood task force.


Perception of Crime – Members queried whether the perception of crime reflected reality and in response Kent Police reported that violent crime and violence against women and girls would be a high priority for the Police but this was not always seen by the public.


Anti-Social Behaviour – Partners informed the Committee of the work undertaken by the Combatting Drugs Partnership and the lower drug crime figures in Medway compared to Kent. Members were informed that a new wraparound service for drug and alcohol addiction had been introduced and was focused on accessible recovery orientated services. The number of anti-social behaviour cases reported and how these were dealt with was also discussed and Members were informed of the named contact approach that would be adopted in future.


Youth Services - The importance of youth services was recognised by Members and a range of measures including engagement events, the dedicated youth offending team and outreach work with schools were discussed.


My Community Voice – Partners informed the Committee of My Community Voice and the role it plays as a key communication tool for residents to speak to their local Police Officer and raise and report concerns.


Sexual offences and violence against women and girls – Members highlighted the statistics which indicated this should be a higher priority than drug related crime and asked what action was being taken to tackle this. Partners acknowledged that this was a priority of central and local government and reported that Kent Police were focusing on proactive policing, targeted operations and targeting prolific offenders. Partners informed the Committee that there was a series of talk and walk events in Rochester, and alarms and other equipment had been provided to residents and the importance of education in schools was recognised. Partners reported that training courses were being delivered in schools on various topics and bystander training had been delivered.


Probation Service – Members queried what was being done to increase the staffing rate of 77% and when the next HMIP inspection would take place. The Chairperson of the CSP offered to take this back to the Probation Service and request a written response as they were not in attendance.


Rapid Deployment Cameras (RDC’s) – Members acknowledged the success of RDC’s in Hoo in reducing crime and queried how these were deployed. The Committee were informed that the deployment of RDC’s was based on substantive evidence, and they were normally deployed for 12 weeks to establish whether there was a need for permanent CCTV in an area.


Members also discussed fire safety visits and extreme stickering and graffiti in Medway and how these issues were responded to.




1.1 The Committee noted the findings of the strategic assessment. 


1.2. The Committee agreed to support the proposed CSP priorities in light of the strategic assessment findings. 


1.3. The Committee scrutinised the activity of the Community Safety Partnership, over the past year, in connection with the discharge by the responsible authorities of their crime and disorder functions.


1.4 The Committee requested a written response from the Probation Service regarding actions taken in response to staffing rates and when the next HMIP inspection is expected.

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